Lizard Original Holders Pool

Lizard Exchange
2 min readFeb 16, 2022

Yes, we read, weighted and analyzed every DM, suggestion and transactions on the blockchain.

We want to reward you, the community, the real and original holders of lizard. We are greatly thankful to you for trusting us and being very early since day 0.

We have identified a series of irregular transactions sent from a contract that imbalanced our fair launch and probably have been harassing us in DMs to promote their agenda. We have taken a snapshot of the original holders:

We have blacklisted the bot addresses for our special event. We sincerely hope that bot gets diluted to death in favor of the real people, the real holders that were with us since the beginning. We have created a wrapped ERC20 token called “Original Lizard Holders” (LHODL) and we will be rewarding a 15X allocation pool, for a unique time, for the first week of our launch.

How to redeem:

Go to the Lizard Lair, here is where you will find innovative and next generation products.

Go to the Original Holders tab and check if you are eligible to redeem or not. Note: All the info is fetched from the blockchain. The only manual data we have inputted was the bot blacklist.

This process will wrap your LIZ tokens in a 1:1 ratio and you will obtain LHODL that can be deposited in our Original Holders Pool. This redeems process can only be done for the amount you were holding during the time of the snapshot.

When you think you are done holding the LHODL token, you can return it and get the LIZ token in a 1:1 ratio. Please be aware that returned LHODL cannot be minted again.

This is just a little teaser of the incredible and the unexplored snapshot capacity of the LIZ token and an example of game theory put into practice. Remember, we can snapshot holders at a point in time AND see if they sold or not, everything recorded on-chain.

Hint: remember keep a small LHODL bag for a special event.

DeFi is evolving, thank you Lizard Family for being with us since launch! More exiting products TBA!

PD: We will increase the rose LIZ pool weight to 70X as per community request. If you believe you are entitled to LHODL tokens, sends us a DM and we will do an individualized review based on the on-chain data.



Lizard Exchange

A safe and fair decentralized trading platform with low fees and high-speed transactions built on OasisNetwork